Your CalSTRS retirement benefit is a defined benefit pension. With five years of service credit, you re eligible for a guaranteed lifetime retirement benefit based on a formula set by law. Your retirement benefits are contingent on your years of service, age of retirement and the final compensation you receive when you retire. You can increase this retirement benefit by increasing one or more of the elements in the retirement benefit calculation formula. We can help update your CalSTRS pension projection.
When you retire from service or begin receiving a Coverage B disability retirement benefit, you can elect an option to provide a lifetime of benefit to your loved ones after your death. You may also choose pre-retirement election of an option when you are eligible, but are not ready to retire. Electing an option will change your monthly retirement benefit. You can elect:
100% beneficiary option: Your beneficiary will get the same monthly amount you received during retirement.
75% beneficiary option: This means your beneficiary will receive 75% of the monthly amount you received during retirement.
50% beneficiary option: Your beneficiary will get 50% of the monthly amount you received during retirement.
If you are considering electing an option beneficiary, talk to us to learn more about how this decision could affect your future retirement benefit.
In order to determine the amount of money you need in order to retire, you will need to have an accurate estimate of your retirement expenses and your guaranteed sources of retirement income. When you have this information, you can calculate the gap between the two numbers and determine how much money you would need to save or how you can reduce expenses in order to fill this gap. Our qualified retirement counselors can help you calculate this gap so you can make an informed assessment of where you are in the process.
The Windfall Elimination Provision or WEP is a formula that can reduce the size of your Social Security retirement benefit if you receive a pension from your teaching or school district job where you did not pay Social Security taxes. Such a "non-covered" pension might have been earned by working for a school district that does not participate in FICA payroll-tax withholding. If you collect such a pension, the WEP could reduce your Social Security benefit by up to half the amount of your pension. Our counselors can help you gauge the impact of the WEP on your retirement income.